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Generation Z – The Next-Gen Workforce | Part One

Generation Y and Z.  What’s Different? Just as you were getting the hang of managing Millennials (Gen Y), now you are faced with the complexities of hiring and training the new Gen Z!  Partnership Employment is here to help with a two-part series that will help you: identify some of the key differences between Gen Y and Gen Z tips …

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A Digital Cleanup Can Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

Arguably, the most fascinating Washington hearings lately have been the Mark Zuckerberg grillings by Congress.  They revealed key takeaways for social media platforms and ISPs regarding privacy protections, but more valuable on a personal level were the reminders that once you are online, you are EVERYWHERE!  There may be consequences for what we post every day and particularly for those …

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Three Steps to Becoming a Leader Even if You Aren’t in Charge

Everyone wants to oversee something, even if it is only controlling their own environment.  In the workplace, being in charge signifies that you’ve “arrived.”  That your efforts have been noted and found worthy of advancement.  Therefore, it is frustrating when you get passed over every time an opportunity to supervise presents itself.  If this happens to you, there is really …

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Constructive Review Or Cyberbullying?

Just like a relationship, disappointment with an employer, brand, or service provider is inevitable.  Hard feelings used to be expressed over a drink and gripe session with friends, but today it’s simpler to air grievances by popping online to Google, Yelp, Glassdoor, or any number of digital review sites, where you can let the poison pixels fly, often anonymously.  While …

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New Year’s Career Resolution: Start with You!

Assess your Attitudes, Abilities, and Skills for Success in 2018 So how is it going with the New Year’s resolutions?  Making good progress on that weight loss, exercise, paying off bills, and Netflix binge-watching?  If you are like many people, you look at January as the ideal time to begin anew and set some solid targets for change. A few …