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7 Strategies to Ace Your Trial Period and Land Your Dream Job

Congrats on getting a trial at your dream company!  That’s awesome but also a bit nerve-wracking, right?  You want to impress them and get a permanent offer, but you are unclear about differentiating yourself from other candidates.   You’ve always been intelligent and capable, breezing through school and your first job.  You keep up with the latest trends and clearly …

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Career Advice: Choose, Don’t Settle

The best advice I ever received from my mentor, a seasoned CEO with decades of corporate storytelling under his belt, was “choose, don’t settle.”  At the time, I was trying to decide between accepting an “okay” job offer or continuing to pursue a more intimidating management position that nevertheless, I was qualified.  By taking his advice and choosing not settling, not only did I …

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Partnership Employment

What if that perfect job  ̶ you know, the one that launches you to corporate stardom  ̶is out there, but it just can’t find you?    LinkedIn®, the premier social media networking platform for workers and employers, heightens your visibility and helps you connect with businesses looking for your specific skills.  It’s sort of like Facebook for the working world.  If you aren’t maximizing this …

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Sticky Notes for a Healthy Lifestyle

Have you noticed lately that you aren’t entirely on your game, your attention-span seems sluggish, or you’re burned out by 3 pm?  It could be that you are too busy juggling work, life, and family to focus on work.  Or it could be that what you do or don’t put in your mouth is affecting your performance. We all get busy and forget …

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Why You Should Take a Chance on These Three Unconventional Hires

Everyone deserves a fair chance.  That’s the motto of Greyston, a certified B-Corporation whose mission is to “create thriving communities through the practice and promotion of Open HiringTM.”  Since 1982, Greyston founder, Bernie Glassman (1939-1918), lived this mission by hiring virtually anyone, believing that respecting and trusting in the capabilities of less conventional workers would improve their lives and those of their communities.   If …