Humor is magical and can lighten even the toughest times.  Like trying to work at home with bickering kids!  When one poster in a community forum asked, “For those working from home, tell me something your kid(s) did today, but refer to them as co-workers,” she got some hilarious responses: “My co-workers fought over a Lego box.  Then they chased each other around …
Partnership Employment
What if that perfect job ̶ you know, the one that launches you to corporate stardom ̶is out there, but it just can’t find you? LinkedIn®, the premier social media networking platform for workers and employers, heightens your visibility and helps you connect with businesses looking for your specific skills. It’s sort of like Facebook for the working world. If you aren’t maximizing this …
Vacationing through Mindfulness and Meditation
Are your employees skipping vacation this year, like 25% of their fellow Americans? Executives may be too busy, and 60% of employees say they can’t afford it, according to a Bankrate survey, but whatever the reason, we know that not taking a vacation is one cause of worker stress, creating healthcare cost burdens for many organizations. What if there was a simple yet proven way …
It’s a Spooky Time: Ghosting in the Workplace
In the dating world, ghosting seems a handy way to facilitate a lucky escape after a cringe-worthy, worst-date ever. You know you’ve been ghosted when texts go unanswered, and you’ve been unfriended on Facebook. But in this record-setting job market, business ghosting, e.g., crickets when a finalist asks if she got the job or the sudden disappearance of your newly hired star, has …
Sticky Notes for a Healthy Lifestyle
Have you noticed lately that you aren’t entirely on your game, your attention-span seems sluggish, or you’re burned out by 3 pm? It could be that you are too busy juggling work, life, and family to focus on work. Or it could be that what you do or don’t put in your mouth is affecting your performance. We all get busy and forget …