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How to Make Your Pause for Parenthood Look Good on a Resume

Years ago, I took some time off to stay at home with my young boys.  Previously, I had worked in a demanding position in editorial for a publishing company.  After I married, I moved overseas, had children, and when my youngest turned two, I knew it was time to rejoin the working world.   Since there were no publishing houses in my local area …

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Why You Should Take a Chance on These Three Unconventional Hires

Everyone deserves a fair chance.  That’s the motto of Greyston, a certified B-Corporation whose mission is to “create thriving communities through the practice and promotion of Open HiringTM.”  Since 1982, Greyston founder, Bernie Glassman (1939-1918), lived this mission by hiring virtually anyone, believing that respecting and trusting in the capabilities of less conventional workers would improve their lives and those of their communities.   If …