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Hitting the Reset Button: Changes in Strategy with your Biggest Asset – People!

As governments figure out how to get people safely back to work, now is the perfect time for idled business owners to hit the reset button and begin considering their re-start strategies!  Evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your pre-and post-COVID workforce will help you discover how changes in strategy and staffing could result in a leaner, more adaptable organization.  Following are …

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Munchkin Survival Guide: Tips to Get Work Done at Home

Humor is magical and can lighten even the toughest times.  Like trying to work at home with bickering kids!  When one poster in a community forum asked, “For those working from home, tell me something your kid(s) did today, but refer to them as co-workers,” she got some hilarious responses: “My co-workers fought over a Lego box.  Then they chased each other around …