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Hot Topics for HR Managers in 2020

Wishing you a happy, prosperous New Year   ̶  and best wishes with your bedside reading if you are an HR professional!  While this is not a comprehensive list, read on to get an idea of some of the new laws and trending HR issues you will need to be on top of for 2020: New Laws and Regulations Redesigned Form W-4 for …

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What Employers Need to Know About MA’s New Paid Family and Medical Leave Act

There’s nothing like voter fear to get politicians moving! In an unusual show of bipartisanship, the Mass legislature quickly came together in June and produced Bill H.4640, commonly called the “Grand Bargain.” Signed immediately by governor Charlie Baker, the public-private collaboration places Massachusetts in the company of seven other states that have established paid family and medical leave benefits (PFML). …