Finally – the long-awaited fix for the devastating COVID-19 is here! Businesses large and small are breathing a collective sigh of relief with the hope that when all their employees are inoculated, everyone can get back to congregating and collaborating in person. You might be writing that company-wide memo even now, telling people how, when, and where to get …
Career Advice: Choose, Don’t Settle
The best advice I ever received from my mentor, a seasoned CEO with decades of corporate storytelling under his belt, was “choose, don’t settle.” At the time, I was trying to decide between accepting an “okay” job offer or continuing to pursue a more intimidating management position that nevertheless, I was qualified. By taking his advice and choosing not settling, not only did I …
It’s a Spooky Time: Ghosting in the Workplace
In the dating world, ghosting seems a handy way to facilitate a lucky escape after a cringe-worthy, worst-date ever. You know you’ve been ghosted when texts go unanswered, and you’ve been unfriended on Facebook. But in this record-setting job market, business ghosting, e.g., crickets when a finalist asks if she got the job or the sudden disappearance of your newly hired star, has …