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Understanding Emotional Intelligence. What it is…and do you have it?

Do you have emotional intelligence, more commonly referred to as EI? Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to identify emotions and manage them.  People with high EI not only know their own minds, but are also really emotionally aware. They know what others are feeling, they can help others to cheer up or calm down, and they can regulate their …

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Organizational Essentials: Cultivate, Sow, Feed and Weed

May is usually the signal to get out in the garden and begin the process of connecting with the earth, cultivating the soil, considering what to grow–and everybody’s favorite pastime–pulling the weeds that have sprouted up over the winter and early spring.  It is sometimes backbreaking work as we reshape disorder back into a space that delights and intrigues us. …

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Networking Not Working? Try These 4 New Ways

  Gone are the days where networking consisted of an awkward after-work mixer with nametags and not enough cocktails.  The new networking culture is not nine to five, it’s twenty-four seven.  The good news is that you can now network from just about anywhere at any time, day or night. The flip side is that now that opportunities to build …

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Spring Cleaning: Detox Your Workplace

Run out of the house, quick latte, grab a donut or a muffin as you pass the break room, hit the desk, nibble on those crispy snacks in the drawer, calorific lunch out with colleagues, more sitting, sugar low. So you grab another coffee and a cookie from the break room, rush home to pick up your child for soccer …

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Giving Ex-Offenders their Next Chance

    According to the U.S. Department of Justice, nine million convicted criminals, most non-violent offenders, rotate into and out of various correctional facilities each year.  Over 650,000 of these enter into communities needing some type of job.  These astounding statistics represent a vast and diverse workforce that is largely untapped.  Given the size of this important labor pool, the …