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Is Your Company’s Approach to Sick Leave Pathetic or Empathetic?

Next to death and taxes, nothing is more certain than the spread of cold and flu in American workplaces.  Guilt at leaving workloads with co-workers and fear of job loss, keep many sneezing and coughing people at their desks.  Lasting from days to weeks, airborne and surface-spread illnesses sweep through companies like wildfire, infecting immune-vulnerable, stressed, and over-worked employees.  For small businesses, multiple …

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Hot Topics for HR Managers in 2020

Wishing you a happy, prosperous New Year   ̶  and best wishes with your bedside reading if you are an HR professional!  While this is not a comprehensive list, read on to get an idea of some of the new laws and trending HR issues you will need to be on top of for 2020: New Laws and Regulations Redesigned Form W-4 for …